Coding is very similar to writing article that the article we write has to make sense for every reader. We need to make sure the correctness of its functionality, and we also need to make our code look nice and readable to other people. and using coding standards can help us improve the qualities of our program. Using coding standards does not improve the time and space complexities of the program, but it can save a lot of work for us in the big picture.
Coding standards is a common but important software engineering technique, which is a habit about the way we code our programs. Coding standard does not help our programs to pass tests or have better technical performances, but it actually has deep effects to programmers. For example, coding standards is very important for us when we collaborate with other people. Everyone has their own ideas and coding styles, and coding standards indicate a normal coding style for programmers that help us read the code of each other. If we do not use a normal coding style, it may cause some communicate problem, and we need to spend so much time to explain what the codes actually do for other people. Therefore, writing code by using coding standards can improve the quality of doing teamwork. Furthermore, coding standards help us review our previous code because we may not able to memorize all details about our code after couple months. Following the coding standards, such as leave comments, name variables reasonably, are very helpful if we need to review these codes in the future.
I feel Intellij is a strong code editor because it has multiple functionalities and cover many languages. I actually have a better experience than using JAVA and C. ESLint is a very useful tool for me to write my code on an appropriate way. The process of fixing errors of coding style is painful. Sometime, I do not even realize how bad is my coding style that it will be my nightmare about reviewing the code I wrote. However, ESLint can automatically checking my coding style and report the inappropriate code to me, so I can fix it. I think it can help me to have a good habit of writing code, so I can avoid the case of writing terrible code.